
Challenging situations will continue to come in all areas of our lives: mind, body, wealth and relationships. 

Decide: do I want to continue to live like this or do I want to become strong and stable? Do I want to sit on a comfortable stable chair or do I want to sit on an uneven, wobbly chair? If you want inner stability then pay attention to your thoughts. If there are any unnecessary thoughts, apply a full stop. Keep your thoughts positive and powerful, and create your inner strength. Became a conqueror of matter and make all the powers co-operate with you and work under your orders.

Therefore, check: First of all, the main powers – the power to think, the power to decide and the power of sanskars – are all three in order?

The choice of self-mastery is Mine                                                                                                          

Dadi Janki

Dadi (elder sister) Janki, was the Administrative representing Head of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

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A lecture by Mike George. Mike George is an author of 16 books on what they don’t generally teach in school – self-understanding, emotional intelligence and how to be a brilliant human being!

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